This digipak clearly shows a photo of the artist, the name of the artist and the name of the digipak album. It has a DVD logo to show it is a DVD. On the spine it has another dvd logo and record label logo along with the title artist name and title again. On the back it shows the listed tracks for the dvd and the listed tracks for the CD. At the bottom is has website information and Director's name. Finally it has the copyright information and further informative logos at the bottom.
This Digipak folds out to show images of the artist and has a pocket for a pull out booklet which contains photos of the artist and industrial institutional about the songs.
This is the outer protective case for the blur 'the best of' CD Digipak. The blur cd shows a cartoon version of each band member. It has the name of the album, the band name and what the CD contains. There is a bright colour scheme which attracts potential buyers to the cd. This is also a special edition cd with live tracks to add more value and attract more people to purchase the cd.
The front of the inner cd continues with the theme with the blur logo printed on the case. It has the name of the album down the outer spine area.
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