Monday 9 November 2009

Filling the gaps

After submitting our rough cut we went out to do some more filming to fill the gaps. We tried to show different camera angles and different types of shots. We recieved feedback from other groups noting the lack of close ups. This is an important point in a music video as it advertises the artist. Following this point we decided to film one of the performance locations using a close up shot. We located the shot under a bush, this is to enhance the narrative of the artist following/watching the girl in the video. We also filmed some more footage that we plan to cut to the beat, we have used a couple of these types of footage already in our video but it keeps the video interesting and also picks up the pace. Another shot we used was a low angle shot, showing the feet of the artist and female walking toward and away from the camera, again this is aimed at enhancing the narrative.

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