Monday, 16 November 2009

DVD's And Digipak's For Music Video

Dvd's or digipaks are an important product to the artist and the way that they are represented. The essential information that is expected to be included on a dvd/digipak are:
Artists name
Album name
Image/Motif of artist
Track listing
These are nearly the same as the criteria on a magazine advert which makes you realize that the dvd case is doing as much of a job as advertising as the magazine. The product that follows with the dvd/digipak is the special edition version. These are used in the industry to increase the popularity of the artist. It is also used to increase revenue as consumers are more willing to pay that little extra for the chance to own a collectors item.
The dvd/digipak will include a variety of extra features that are not available anywhere else, this is the USP (unique selling point) for these items as they give the consumer a chance to go behind the scenes of the feature and to also enjoy a selection of interviews from the artist/artists. It also gives a chance to view live footage which is a must have for fans. Some artists also add their own personal note or autograph, this again allows the consumer to connect with the artist on a higher level.

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