Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Teacher Rough Cut Feedback

There are some very technically proficient aspects to this video such as the motion and the jumpy movement of the characters to the beat of the music, these sections make the video more dynamic. However there are also some sections that are not dynamic at all. The song has a lot of energy to it and what your video lacks on occasion is energy. You need more close-ups of the artist and the narrative to add diversity to the video.
The selection of mise-en-scene could be stronger in places - what you need to do is think about how you make it look less like students making a video and more like a professional artist starring in their music video. Take a look at this video from last year and think about what makes it look very professional and think about how you could use it as a basis to improve your own video further.

You have worked hard so far - now you need to think abuot how you can use the opportunities you have for more filming to further enhance your video. Also remember to incorporate the capturing of still images for your ancillary tasks in your planning.

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